Please consider walking, biking or volunteering to help us fund the fight against Multiple Sclerosis.
What is MS?
Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system — the brain, the spinal cord, and the optic nerves. The disease can damage the myelin coating that insulates these important nerves. This damage can disrupt nerve function, causing a variety of unpredictable symptoms that range from mild to debilitating.
* Every hour, someone is newly diagnosed with MS.
* More than 2.5 million people worldwide live with this serious disease.
* MS is the most common neurological disease leading to disability in young adults.
Whatever you decide, please Join the Movement.
MS Awareness Week 2010 is now: March 8-14.
Walk or bike to fight Multiple Sclerosis. Texas, it's up to you.
Volunteer to fight Multiple Sclerosis.
Become a Facebook fan of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Get FREE MS Awareness Week ideas and downloads — profile art, graphics, icons, badges, e-mail signatures, wallpaper, a status update suggestion and more.
Do what you can in the battle against MS, because everyone can do something.
And if everyone does a little, no one has to do a lot.
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